The Academy of Imperfection – Ben Crowe


Welcome to the very first episode of The Academy of Imperfection!

Presented by The Imperfects, this new series of conversational lectures will feature experts talking about different areas of imperfection with students Hugh, Ryan, Josh and you.

The inaugural guest lecturer is someone we are extremely excited about. Ben Crowe. Along with Brene Brown, Ben has easily been the most mentioned person on The Imperfects over the last few years.

Since working at NIKE for decades, Ben has worked closely with everyone from Andre Agassi to Cathy Freeman and surfing champion Steph Gilmore. And more recently with our very own Hugh van Cuylenburg and Ryan Shelton!

Here, Ben talks to the class about the importance of self-compassion, connection and purpose. We dare say, this is the one that might just change your life - or at the very least, help you embrace your weird for a few days.

Things to Check Out
Written by AI so definitely imperfect

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