Imperfect Birth Stories with Sophie Walker

In this episode of our Summer School, we are joined by Sophie Walker, creator, and host of Australian Birth Stories.

With over 17 million downloads, and 500 episodes, Australian Birth Stories podcast has been accredited by the Australian College of Midwives and has been instrumental in educating and empowering both people who are giving birth, as well as birthing partners.

Hugh shares the incredible trauma and fear involved with his first experience of birth, and how tools of education and empowerment, such as Lael Stone’s excellent counselling, helped him prepared for birth a second time around.

The power of information is invaluable, and Josh opens up about how Hugh’s experience with birth shaped his own, and what the experience was like for him.

Sophie, it was such a pleasure.

If you, or someone you know, is struggling with post-natal depression or anxiety surrounding birth, these are a few great websites we’ve found

Surely theres a better way
Hugh and Pennys experience with birth
Preparation Training and Reframing
To Epidural or Not To Epidural
How do you want to fail
Not everything is a happy ending

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