Dr Emily – Hope


Today, Dr Emily talks about hope.

And in a world where things at the moment can feel a little bit hopeless, this really couldn’t have come at a better time.

In contrast to all of our understanding up until this point, hope is not an emotion.

Expertly defined by Dr Emily, hope is a belief. And most significantly, it can be learned, and it can be cultivated.


This episode delves into strategies for creating both a sense of collective hope, and individual hope, and in a discovery which happens to be VERY on-brand for this podcast, Dr Emily talks to the significance of vulnerability and connection in living a hopeful life.

We hope you enjoy this one as much as we did.

Shes backkkkkk and shes writing a book
Hope what does it actually mean
Cynicism vs hopeful scepticism
Acknowledging the loss noticing the good
Exposing ourselves to uncertainty
Hope drives positive behaviour but it doesnt protect you from failure
Acts of moral beauty
Action creates the belief
Written by AI so definitely imperfect

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