Dr Louise Newson – Maybe it’s Menopause

Menopause, or THE Menopause according to our guest lecturer Dr Louise Newson, affects every woman at some point in her life. That’s 51% of the entire world! And even if you’re not a woman, chances are you know a few of them.

Either way, the menopause IS coming. And you better be ready.

Dr Louise Newson is a GP and Menopause specialist who is campaigning for better menopause care for all women. But despite her specialisation and regular lecturing on the subject, even she didn’t pick up on the signs when her own menopause kicked in and convinced her she hated her own husband!

This episode isn’t just everything you need to know about your own menopause, this is everything you need to know about your wife’s/mother’s/daughter’s/sister’s/friend’s/colleague’s menopause.

What is The Menopause
Hormone Replacement Therapy yay or nay
The PeriMenopause Rollercoaster
Falling between the medical speciality cracks
The Biggest Lightbulb in the World
Get Informed Be Supportive
The trivialisation of hormones a tragedy
The bloodwork CAN lie
The C Word
Written by AI so definitely imperfect

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