Dr Emily – Compassion of The Self


Do you feel like you're on your own side? Are you able to speak to yourself with kindness? Or stick up for yourself in front of others?

That, my friend, is self-compassion and it can be incredibly hard to do.

Dr Em says, "compassion" in Latin translates to “with suffering.” And SELF-compassion is how we relate, reflect and react when our self is suffering.

In this episode, Dr Em talks about why cultivating a self-compassionate voice is SO DIFFICULT, but how it's also pivotal in getting us through our darkest moments.

And we chat through whether self-compassion needs a re-brand? (Hugh's gunning for self-chop-out, but we're still taking recommendations?)

The Most Amazing Thing Hughs Ever Done
Compassion V SelfCompassion Vs Empathy
Suffering IS Here and Its Universal
The Development and Relationship with Your Inner Critic
Do You Achieve More with The Pressure of Judgement
SelfHelp Ugh Were Kidding Its The Best
How Can I Be on My Own Side
Triggering the Threat System
This Might Sound a Bit WooWoo Go with It
Written by AI so definitely imperfect

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