Laura Henshaw – What Do They Think Of Me?

Laura Henshaw has achieved a lot. Not only is she an author, law graduate and podcaster, but she is the CEO and co-founder of the wildly popular and successful health & fitness app, KIC - which she started and still runs with friend, and former Imperfects guest, Steph Claire-Smith.

But behind her success, Laura still worries what people think of her. And in this Vulnerabilitea House, she vulnerably tells Hugh, Ryan and Josh where this comes from and how this anxiety continues to crop up for her in everyday life.

We’ve got a feeling this’ll be a verrry relatable one.

The notso Pity Invite
What Do You Think Others Say Behind Your Back
Your Worst Fears Solidified in Instagram Comments
Living in The Shadow of Your Best Friend
What Do You Hope Others Say About You
Written by AI so definitely imperfect

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